Poetry for upper elementary & middle school aged children. The poems were written from Suzanne's childhood memories, experiences from over 30 years of teaching, and her imagination. She has been compared to the author, Shel Silverstein.
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My Point of View is just my point of view... It's the way I look at things in the world. While your point of view says a lot about you, It doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl.
Every one of us has our own point of view... We each may see things a different way. --But none of us is always right or wrong, ---And your point of view may change day to day. -----
So just remember as you view the world around you,To try and keep an opened mind.'Cause one day you may find...
That my point of view Is now your point of view,And your point of view is now mine!
A Child's World from My Point of View
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