Our Mission Statement : "Meeting people where they are, and SHOWING them who Jesus Christ is." 
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What We Believe...

Our Statement of Faith

There is One God We believe in one God - Creator of all things. God exist in three persons, The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit, all one triune and eternal Living God.

Jesus is The Way We believe in Jesus Christ, the God the Son as The Way in which mankind is brought right before God. We believe that Jesus Christ was conceived of the Holy Spirit to a virgin, that He lived a sinless human life, and freely fulfilled the will of the Father, giving Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of all mankind by dying on a cross, then being resurrected from the dead after the third day, and that He lives in Glory at the right hand of the Father today.

The Holy Spirit We believe that the Spirit of God, the third person of the Holy Trinity is active in the lives of every believer today. The Spirit makes unbelievers aware of their need for Jesus Christ in their lives and provides guidance, direction and power for living in the lives of believers.

The Bible We believe the Holy Bible to be the Word of God, without fault and inerrant in its essence. We believe that the Scriptures are “God breathed” and provide direction, illumination and edification in our lives, and in our eternal lives to come.

The Church We believe that the true Church of Christ is not a building, rather The Church is in every true believer and follower of Christ as they are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. We believe that as The Church as the Body of Christ, Jesus Christ is the head and the Body is comprised of all who have placed their faith in Him.

Salvation We believe that Salvation comes from Christ alone, through acceptance of His gift of forgiveness and eternal life, that He bought with His blood and sacrifice on the cross. We believe that there is no way to be forgiven, no work that can be accomplished, no amount of giving or penance, no price that can be paid that can accomplish what Christ has already done for us. We believe Jesus when He said “No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6) We believe that this is a free choice made by each person, and that no one can accept His gift on behalf of another.

Mankind We believe that mankind was created in the image of God, to fellowship with Him and give Him due honor and praise. We believe that due to sinful disobedience to God, sin entered into the world by the work of Satan, man fell, and his relationship with God became broken, and can not be mended by any action of mankind alone. We believe that every person is responsible for his or her actions and inactions with regards to following the will of God and in accepting His free gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ.

Christian Service We believe that every Christian no longer belongs to themselves, but has been purchased by Christ once they have answered God’s call and given their life to Him. We believe that all Christians are called to service to God in advancing His Kingdom, and that as long as their there is breath in their lungs, there is something that they should look to do within their abilities to serve our Lord. We believe in the Great Commission of Christ (Matthew 28:19-20), that is was in fact a command to every Christian to do their part. We believe that the Holy Spirit can be seen in Christians as they grow in service to God, exhibiting Spiritual Fruits (Galatians 5:22-23) and developing their own Spiritual Gifts that are endowed to them by the Holy Spirit to equip each believer for their work in the Kingdom. We believe that every believer is given gifts suited to them and to the work that the Spirit has planned for them personally.




It's not about a religion - it's about a relationship.

...so must the Son of man be lifted up; that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. - John 3:14-15

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